Swallowing disorders are complicated, and people who experience them cannot receive the care they need unless they are diagnosed accurately.
Swallowing disorders are complicated, and people who experience them cannot receive the care they need unless they are diagnosed accurately.
Standard evaluations do not provide full imagery of the larynx, making it difficult for SLPs to diagnose their patients correctly. In addition to not receiving needed care, an incorrect diagnoses can lead to unnecessary hospitalizations, wasted time, and wasted money.

Carolina Speech Pathology is the premier provider of onsite endoscopic dysphagia imaging, and our seasoned speech language pathologists thoroughly identify swallowing pathophysiology to optimize patient outcomes.
Carolina Speech Pathology is the premier provider of onsite endoscopic dysphagia imaging, and our seasoned speech language pathologists thoroughly identify swallowing pathophysiology to optimize patient outcomes.
Our prompt onsite endoscopic swallowing evaluations accurately diagnose dysphagia to support care plans, reduce re-hospitalizations, and help patients experience a better quality of life.
Here’s How
Here’s How
We make the swallow imaging process smooth and convenient because we value your time.
We make the swallow imaging process smooth and convenient because we value your time.
Schedule a
Receive an accurate and timely evaluation
Enjoy a better
quality of life
What Others Say
What Others Say
During a State audit, a handful of charts were pulled for review. The highlight was a chart of a patient who had received speech therapy for dysphagia intervention, then received a FEES that showed improvement and recommended a diet upgrade. State spoke with the patient who is cognitively intact, and the patient reported feeling pleased with the whole experience. Ever since State pulled that chart and emphasized the excellent quality of dysphagia care we were able to provide to the patient, my administrator has been all about FEES!
Thank you for being so timely with scheduling and for the way you work with our residents. You all truly care, and it shows.
Carolina Speech Pathology comes to our facility every week. The clinicians are punctual, professional, and knowledgeable. They provide excellent care to our patients and go above and beyond. We are so thankful to work with Carolina Speech Pathology!
I referred my patients for Modified Barium Swallow studies for YEARS before trying Carolina Speech Pathology for mobile FEES. I was hesitant that we wouldn’t get as good of information, and I had never really seen FEES except for in graduate school. The overall experience was better than I could have imagined. Scheduling is so easy and convenient; and the patients do very well since they are able to have the test done in the comfort of their familiar eating environment. I now primarily request Carolina Speech when I need a swallow study, and I have even set up a new contract with them when I switched buildings.